Entries tagged 'snapshot'
full moon over little tokyo
some day i’ll read some sort of guide that will tell me how to really shoot pictures like this, but in the meantime, this was the best of the twenty or so shots i took out my window. the moon has been amazing the last few nights.
blimp in los angeles skyline at sunset
vibiana place courtyard
i just have to point out this picture because i am amazed that it turned out at all, given the length of the exposure. as i was walking back home from the tamale festival, i stuck my camera through the fence of the courtyard at vibiana place, where they had a party last night.
i took a few shots of city hall and other buildings during sunset, and the drum circle at not a cornfield. to check them out, just follow the photostream backwards from the shot of the courtyard.
it looks like we’re going to be in for another wet winter here in los angeles, if the last day or two is any indication. just as i made my way back from shopping during lunch, the rain really started coming down (again). i also saw some lightning off towards the east side. we’ve gotten almost an inch of rain in the last 24 hours.
except for the small matter of the missing n, this sign is an improvement over the other wayfinding signs in the downtown area — note “broadway theaters” instead of “broadway th district” and “historic spring st” instead of “spring st hist/fin.”
i’d tell you where the sign is located, but anyone who really cares should be able to figure it out.
(i also have to point out this picture of a downtown los angeles reflection because i really love how it turned out. it was a good photography day.)
strangely enough, i lettered in high school. i think the gold bar was for some sort of academic achievement. (looking at the program from my high school graduation, i got awards for academics, leadership, and service. go me.)
the letter was for band. i was never particularly good (i played the trombone), but i remember killing a lot of time doing band-related things like playing at games, filing music during my empty periods, and painting the stage of the theater before a concert/variety-show thing that we did every year.
then and now
the first picture is of me with winnie the pooh when i was almost three weeks old. pooh went everywhere with me when i was little.
the second shot is of pooh today (he made the trip back with me) and he’s only a little worse for wear. he’s lost his shirt, and eyebrows, and been restuffed a couple of times. i can relate.
welcome to california, old friend!
old bank district artwalk
the old bank district artwalk will be taking place on sunday, october 2nd. you’ll have the chance to poke around the lofts of my talented neighbors, hear some other talented neighbors play their music on main street, and otherwise revel in the talentedness of my neighbors.
this is the same day is the self-guided wilshire tour, which i guess poses certain logistical problems.
there’s also some sort of evening event to celebrate the centennial of the farmers and merchants bank building, but i don’t think you’re invited. (i’m not even sure i’m invited. i’m assuming something will get slipped under my door at some point.)
the picture is from last year’s artwalk, where they had a bunch of ribbon strung out between the fixtures on either side of main street. as i recall, i spent the artwalk last year reading a book and nursing a horrible headache. here’s another picture i took last year.
today i took pictures along main street in downtown los angeles to complete my trilogy of historic core photo sets.
i like this shot of the caltrans building because it shows both the best and worst of the building — the giant “100” street number is really striking, and the parking entrance and concrete face at street level is representative of the completely lame relationship the building has to two-thirds of the street around it.
if you pay close attention, you will notice that there is a gap of about half a block on the east side of main street between fifth and sixth streets. it’s a parking lot, but it is also a popular area for people to loiter about. i had a couple of people yelling at me as i was taking the pictures of the buildings leading up to that area, and a guy who came across the street to tell me i couldn’t take pictures because it was an invasion of privacy. (which is pretty laughable, but i figured there was little point in antagonizing anyone further.)
by the time i got back to that area to shoot the other side of the street, a couple of los angeles police department officers had come along to roust everyone who was loitering there.
it will be interesting to see what happens to that little half-block area in the next year. the santa fe lofts, pacific electric lofts, and more developments are all less than a block from there, and it sounds like there is some development planned around fifth and main, too. (maybe in this interesting little building?)
you can’t tell from the mockups of the lapd parking structure where it is going. judging by the map in the notice of preparation of draft environmental impact report for the police headquarters facility plan, it will fill these three lots (oops: four or five). i’m not sure what the plans for this empty lot are, but it doesn’t appear to be part of the parking structure and maintenance bay.
the folks at yahoo! sent a couple of blo.gs t-shirts to me a while ago. i held off on showing it off here before it would be a surprise when i sent one to albert, who designed the logo, and it took me way too long to get around to that.
now if only they’d fix the service. i’m sure the addition of the rss ping data has made it more useful (if overzealous) to those plugged into the feedmesh stuff and building services on top of that, but i’m finding it pretty useless for personal blog update tracking these days.

i felt like i’ve been posting a lot lately — here’s a graph of posts per month since i started (way back in october 2000).
for the 1792 days i’ve been blogging, i have averaged 1.38 posts per day. my longest entry was my notes from the vsda home entertainment conference, the shortest entry was the percentage chance i gave to moving out of my then-current apartment.
trying to read through my archives can be a bit of a chore. it’s one of the things i’m looking to fix with the redesign that i’m slowly working on. so far, it’s not really too radical of a change — but i’ve just been focused on removing things.
michelle gubay of the los angeles downtown news writes about various fountains downtown. i guess it’s kind of a companion piece to my photos of various fountains in downtown. the photo here is of the bank of america garden pool area she writes about.
looking back at my photo set, the place i wish i spent more time is by the reflecting pools and fountain near moca.
the identity of the mysterious building on spring street has been made, courtesy of an architectural guidebook to los angeles by david gebhard and robert winter. it’s an annex to the i.n. van nuys building. it was built in 1929-30. the book claims that the north parking entrance “retains its original classical metal gates,” but unless it is behind the not-original not-classical gate you see in the picture, that may no longer be true.
if you look at the picture, the ledge near the top of the annex does match up with the ledge around the van nuys building (on the right). i don’t see many architectural similarities between the buildings other than that.
during lunch today, i managed to remember to head over to the central library to return some books and take some pictures of the farmers’ market.
all i bought was a bag of roasted peanuts (so tasty). next week i’ll have to bring a bag and load up on produce. it all looked awesome.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jimwinstead/38035901/"
dedication to your job is standing outside in a costume like this when it is over 90ºF outside. so is this.
these were both from the chinese food festival, where i took very few pictures. dave took more — i’m sure he’ll upload a few eventually. maybe even one of those elusive breed of pictures with me in it.
the los angeles downtown news reports that the old herald-examiner building is being hit with the adaptive reuse stick. they also weigh in on the sometimes silly wayfinding signs.
i find it interesting that the downtown news started running more editorials in the last few months. i don’t remember seeing them at all when i first started reading it regularly, and now they generally have three each week.
on spring street, 2005
well, uploading them took forever, as expected, but here is my photo set of every building and parking lot on spring street from aliso st. to 9th st.
as with broadway, there were a few buildings that were surprises to me. one was this building, next to the van nuys building that was probably a bank at one point, but i couldn’t find any information about in my meager searching.
something that should not have surprised me, since i walk past the building nearly every single day, is that the broadway spring center is mostly a giant parking garage. for some reason, that had never really registered before.
and the person how decided that it was a good idea to use a star trek font for the name on the los angeles theatre center needs a boot to the head.
i took the tour of the los angeles central library today, so i had some idea of what i would be getting myself into if i go through the docent training. i took pictures, of course, so there’s a 15-picture set of things on the tour and near the library. (like another fountain i somehow missed when i was photographing fountains.)
judging from how long it took for these pictures to upload, it’s going to take forever to upload the spring street photos i’m planning on taking tomorrow if that ends up being about the same number of pictures as the broadway set. sucks to wildly asymmetric internet connections.
last night before heading up to hotel cafe, i went to the rock ‘n’ rights: rockin’ for the mentally disabled concert in little tokyo and took some pictures. it was organized by a group of students, and was to benefit lamp community, which provides services to the mentally-ill (formerly) homeless in several locations downtown.
the tofu festival was really cool, and the tofu tostadas were as good as promised. if you’re really nice to me, i’ll share the recipe.
the picture of these silent wind chimes really doesn’t do them justice. you need to see them spinning and catching the light to really get the full effect.
one of the things in the big tofu cookbook we got with the pre-festival package was a section on various dairy-replacement recipes that used tofu — and one of them was for tofu mayonnaise. real mayonnaise is already dairy-free. there was also a tofu pancake recipe that called for pancake mix. people who use pancake mix deserve a boot to the head.
on broadway, 2005
today’s exercise in misdirected energy was walking up and down broadway and taking a picture of every building (and parking lot).
it took less than two hours to take all of the pictures — and over six to get them all uploaded to flickr. i didn’t retouch (other than rotate) any of them, and i uploaded every one i took: 231 pictures.
they aren’t all of buildings and parking lots — there’s a few shots of some people in action. a paletero walking by the los angeles times building, a riding vacuum cleaner also outside the los angeles times building, a three card monte game, and a shell game.
the last few pictures are out of sequence because i screwed up adding them to the flickr set. i wish iphoto and flickr were more seamlessly integrated, and the iphoto interface for adding titles and comments to pictures wasn’t so lame. i guess i should play with flickrexport.
some of the buildings aren’t labeled as well as they could be. i need a handier resource for looking up the names of buildings in downtown.
the plan, unless it changes, is to do the same thing for main and spring streets (and maybe hill). and then keep doing it every year.
i spent about three hours walking around downtown los angeles taking pictures of fountains, reflecting pools, and even one swimming pool (at the westin bonaventure). i’m sure i missed some in the areas i was in, and there are some places i didn’t go — i skipped the cathedral, since it seemed like 11am on sunday wouldn’t be the best time to be cruising through taking pictures, and i didn’t make it over to olivera street or union station.
i took a few non-water shots, too: two guys cleaning windows on the mellon bank building and the california club (detail).
i sprung for a flickr pro account. between today and the historic core tour two weeks ago, i more than blew through what you can upload per month with a free account.
mysql mints
today was the big tour of the historic core shepherded by shannon, and it delivered on all the promised reasons to go. even the story about the parking lot. i have a bunch more pictures, and i’ll upload them to my flickr photos after i sort through them and clean up the good ones.
after the tour, albert, lisa and i went to clifton’s cafeteria, which i think is a required stop for anyone who hasn’t yet been there. and though i still think it is overpriced, the turkey was quite good.
i spent the last few days in seattle, meeting with the developers of the various mysql connectors.
while in seattle, i stayed at the moore hotel, in downtown seattle. the building is just two months newer than where i live. i guess not all of the floors have been refurbished, but the room i had was great (and pretty cheap).
this is the first time i spent any time in seattle, and still didn’t take any time to do any sightseeing at all. but seattle seems like a cool city, and i probably should do that some day.
one observation: i took the bus to the office from my hotel, and it was a much, much whiter crowd than i’ve ever seen on any bus in los angeles. i was impressed by seattle’s bus system.
i should have bought some washers, but at least my bed is up off the floor again. the picture is deceiving: that board (and the two metal plates holding it together now) runs parallel to the ground — the board sticking out the back (in the picture) is one of the center legs of the bed.
it’s been a very productive weekend on the domestic front — i also cleaned my blinds this weekend. and now that my bed is off the floor, i can mop.
changing of the oprahs
who is god?
city hall with clouds
city hall at night
ambient light
after getting burned out quickly at the sahara, i did exactly what you should not do, and went a little past my budget and hit the tables again at the new frontier. i quickly made back what i had lost at the sahara, and made headway on what i lost on previous nights, but then very slowly drifted back to where i started the night, where i finally took the hint and called it quits. time for dinner.
i think i may have elected to attend the wrong event at the convention center. (the mistake i really made was of heading over to the downtown means business event early. now that i’ve gotten back and seen the seminar and discussion group schedule, i realize i should have been there now, instead of earlier. oops.)
this was a litte better than the communists marching by on may day: the olympic torch going by outside my window. it is also probably the first and last bit of the olympics that i’ll be watching. (the torch probably is not visible in the picture. if you want better pictures, buy me a better camera.)
my corner full of stuff to give away has finally been given away. i officially have more space than i know what to do with. (actually, there’s a few boxes in the corner again. i’m working on getting rid of those.)
soviet-era russian and czechoslovakian bills (and more)
these are from when i travelled to eastern europe in 1990. i also have a 5000 złotych note from poland that features chopin, and various others from all three countries. also, some deutsche mark (and pfennig) coins, some austrian schilling coins, 1 and 2 копейки coins (the 1 is tiny), a hungarian forint coin, a number of czechoslovakin coins, and a few different denominations of british pence.

nypd blue outdoor park set
gambling in the airport. kind of like flying aloha airlines. (i lost $5 so far.)
i am bored. can't sleep. too tired to read. ticket agent won't be back until 4am to book me through on a direct flight. (right now i'm booked through phoenix—if i'd wanted that, i'd have done that in the first place!) i'm very glad i have an ipod. i wish i knew how to insert linebreaks on this thing. remember: don't fly aloha airlines. (wonder if that link will make it?) ack, my feet are asleep. time to walk around. more later.
this is a location from an early scene in erin brockovich.
(i mentioned this location a long time ago. they've repainted the building with the thai restaurant since then, because there was a fire.)