Bookmarks tagged 'programming'
showing 1 to 21
of 21
ActivityPub support
GitLab exploring integration
DirtyMarkup Formatter - HTML, CSS, & JavaScript Beautifier
Web-based HTML formatter that doesn't suck
sparrow - Google Code
Sparrow is a really fast lightweight queue written in Ruby that speaks memcached.
Hyper Estraier: a full-text search system for communities
another search indexer/server
flot - Google Code
nifty javascript (client-side) graphing library
Getting Started with Cocoa: a Friendlier Approach
some day i'll take the time to learn how to write a cocoa app
lwqueue: Lightweight cross-language message queue system
interesting queue system
message threading
jwz's message threading algorithm
Understanding Unicode and ODBC Data Access: ODBC Developer Center: Developer Center: Home
how datadirect handles unicode in their odbc drivers
showing 1 to 21
of 21