from the Archive
Writing documentation in anger
As I continue to slog through my job search, I also continue to contribute in various ways to the PHP project. Taking some inspiration from the notion of “good trouble” so wonderfully modeled by John Lewis, I have been pushing against some of the boundaries to move and expand the project.
In a recent email to the Internals mailing list from Larry Garfield, he said:
And that's before we even run into the long-standing Internals aversion to even recognizing the existence of 3rd party tools for fear of "endorsing" anything. (With the inexplicable exception of Docuwiki.)
I can guess about a lot of the history there, but I think it is time to recognize that the state of the PHP ecosystem in 2024 has come a long way since the more rough-and-tumble days when related projects like Composer were experimental.
So I took the small step of submitting a couple of pull requests to add a chapter about Composer and an example of using it’s autoloader to the documentation.
The PHP documentation should be more inclusive, and I think the best way to make that happen is for me and others to just starting making the contributions. We need to shake off the notion that this is somehow unusual, not choose to say nothing about third-party tools for fear of “favoring” one over the other, and help support the whole PHP ecosystem though its primary documentation.
I would love to add a chapter on static analysis tools. And another one about linting and refactoring tools. Maybe a chapter on frameworks.
None of these have to be long or exhaustive. They only need to introduce the main concepts and give the reader a better sense of what is possible and the grounding to do more research on their own.
A big benefit of putting this sort of information in the documentation is that there are teams of people working on translating the documentation to other languages.
And yes, contributing to the PHP documentation can be kind of tedious because the tooling is pretty baroque. I am happy to help hammer any text that someone writes into the right shape to make it into the documentation, just send me what you have. If you want to do more of the heavy lifting, join the PHP documentation team email list and let’s make more good trouble together.
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