from the Archive
i was checking out the schedule of nfl games on fox 11 for the rest of the season, and when i realized that i was only going to get to see maybe three or four more vikings games this year, i decided i had to take drastic measures to rectify that.
time to stock up on cider.
oh no you didn't....i may have to come over and help you out in watching all that football, you don't want the subscription to go to waste...
it’s not a very good fortress of solitude if people come over to watch the game.
(but seriously, yeah, whenever.)
you could have just walked over to grand avenue sports bar every sunday...similar to what i do but over in my part of town. oh but wait, that would mean you'd be around other people instead of in your underwear downing cider and watching the game in the safe confines of your humble abode.
Fortresses are far from humble
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Again go immediately to TJ's and buy massive quantities cider to avoid this problem in future.
I can see I shall have to break out my alcohol trouble shooting flow chart if this continues. Pull yourself together man !