November, 4, 2013 archives
siamang: a web-based command-line client for mysql
because i have many more important things to be doing, i procrastinated by whipping up a little web-based command-line client for mysql. what does that mean? you load the webpage, start typing in sql commands, and it presents the results to you. it is just a weekend hack at this point, and has a lot of rough edges. it does have some cool features, though, like a persistent command-line history using Web Storage.
probably the biggest limitation is because it not maintaining a persistent connection on the backend, you can’t use variables, temporary tables or transactions.
it was really born because i was getting frustrated running queries using the command-line client and having the ASCII table look all wonky because it was too big for my terminal screen. html makes that pretty much a non-issue. it is also tablet-friendly.
it was also an excuse to play with a few things i was interested in, like knockout. the whole thing is under 400 lines of code/html right now, but by leveraging bootstrap and knockout, it actually looks pretty polished and functional.
the name comes from a type of gibbon, which seemed to be unused in the software world.
you can find the source on github.