from the Archive
flying the flag
we’re now flying a flag at our building. we ordered two flags through senator barbara boxer. they were flown over the u.s. capitol building on june 20, 2007. there is no significance to the date, that is just when our order got handled.
i was a little surprised that ordering flags through our senator was about the same price as other sources for flags, and the flag is very good quality.
so far, we’ve been flying the flag every day during daylight hours (although not exactly dawn to dusk). i am not sure how long we will keep that up.
we may mix things up with other flags eventually, but finding decent 5'×8' flags is harder than you would think.
When we first moved to the PE Building, we had the PE Lofts and American Flag.
It sounds really cheesy, but how cool is it to be on the Gold Line, between Union Station and the Chinatown stop, look up Main Street and see our building's flag.
How cool would it be if all the buildings that had flag poles all had flags on them! Spring Street would look VERY different.
I'm so glad that you got a flag to fly over your building. I'm not terribly patriotic, but it's just a wonderful sight to look up in downtown LA and see a little life fluttering above the rooftops. I hope the Broadway District eventually looks up at its dozens of bare flagpoles and does the same.
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There is a significance to that date, it's my birthday! Now you can think of me every time you see your flag.