from the Archive
no, the lyrics aren’t included in any way. it wouldn’t surprise me to see this as feature someday, but i suspect there may be rights issues that make it messy.
and with the ability to basically type in any song name on google and get lyrics on a panoply of free sites, it’s not something i’ve lost any sleep over.
(as it so happens, that #1 most played song is part of an album i bought from the itunes music store.)
December 18, 2003 4:11pm
it would be real cool to have it integrated into iTunes or Napster or whatever (the lyrics i mean) - so it's less of a "google hack".
December 19, 2003 6:18pm
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digital music question:
if you download music from like iTunes and a CD comes with a jacket that has lyrics printed on it, how do you get the lyrics from the iTunes version? if you can't, that's majorly lacking.