July, 17, 2001 archives
did you know that cable channels slice and dice their syndicated shows as much or even more than local broadcast channels? i like the author's idea of an "american television classics" companion to "american movie classics" (which is one of the best cable channels out there). another scourge to eliminate is shows that start before or run after their scheduled times. (mtv is one of the worst offenders on that front. for some reason their schedule often drifts about five minutes off.)
fox is going to run it's new show 24 (which sounds like a very interesting concept, even starring kiefer sutherland) more than once a week. i'm surprised this hasn't really been tried by other broadcast networks before. wouldn't you think a second showing of a popular show would often fare better than some of the crap that the networks shovel at us?
i knew that i had too much freedom.
well, the formatting is funky (and the note that is supposed to preface the recipe went missing), but mr. cook now features my world-famous, formerly-top-secret turkey chili recipe. (okay, it isn't really world-famous. in fact, nobody else has ever had it. but i like it.)