Entries tagged 'fly.io'
Fly, little blog, fly!
In the early days of my job search, I applied for a position at Fly.io. Their hiring process is structured around “work-sample challenges” that are meant to show the kind of work you’d be doing. The challenges are done on Fly.io infrastructure, of course, so they gave me an account loaded up with credits. I never actually got around to doing the first challenge before they paused hiring.
The most recent setup of this blog running on a $2/month VPS from IONOS was mostly okay, but the particular configuration of Caddy with PHP-FPM was prone to getting stuck, and I was also interested in trying to move to using SQLite instead of MySQL.
So now this is running on Fly machines using LiteFS, which is a distributed file system that replicates SQLite databases. So really this is running on two Fly machines, and I could scale that up and across regions. It seems pretty snappy to me on just two machines in one region.