from the Archive
new responsibility
while we start to wind up development of connector/odbc 5.1, i will also be taking on responsibility for libmysql
, the c library that defines the client interface to mysql, and the mysql command-line utilities. there are about 120 active bugs in those areas right now, so the first task will be getting that down to a more manageable number.
after that, the field will open up for new development. i know that an asynchronous interface to libmysql is on some people’s wishlist, and there are other areas where i think that libmysql could be cleaned up in general.
but the idea that i think is the most exciting is to build a scripting language into the mysql
command-line client, such as lua. this would allow us to rewrite many of the utility scripts and perhaps even other command-line clients (like mysqldump
) in lua, so they would be easier to work with and more naturally cross-platform.
i should be careful to note that this does not mean that we are abandoning connector/odbc development (again). it is just that 5.1 has been a huge leap forward in closing most of the gaps in its functionality, and the remaining features are both not numerous and not that widely used.
is it just me, or did this blog post sound like it was all in a made-up language? not like klingon or anything like that, but jeez!
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It will be fantastic to have someone working on the client for a change.
Let us know if/when you get into the swing of working on the mysql client, as we have some pretty good ideas and even some patches ;)