the page titles on this site are now more useful. i wish i could say it was entirely motivated by making the site more accessible by using meaningful page titles, but mainly i was sick of seeing the very odd referrals from google due to the randomized quotes (mostly from greg the bunny) in my old page titles.
they might re-appear, but probably not buried away in the page title. i can be a bit of a quotation geek. the first cgi script i ever wrote (that i remember—we're talking about a decade ago, now!) was a simple quotations database.
it's too bad there's no way to flag a portion of a page for non-indexing.
Tuesday, November 26, 2002 @ 6:26pm
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I can see where some of them (like "no one is supposed to touch me where my bathing suit goes") would draw odd searches and searchers, but are you sure you can't live with just a few from the main page? I was really fond of them.