from the Archive
i was thinking roughly the same thing about the primary races as dan gillmor: vote in the republican primary for riordan. even though i voted for davis in the last election, he's shown himself to be pretty lackluster. and there's a whole bevy of non-mainstream republican candidates for governor to consider: nick jesson, jim dimov (no website), danney ball (“america's songwrangler”), and edie bukewihge.
in contrast, the democrats just have anselmo a. chavez, chuck pineda jr. (no website), and mosemarie boyd. the democrats just aren't pulling their wacky-candidate weight.
there's still the other constitutional offices to look at, of course, but just being able to push riordan over the top of bill simon may be reason enough to vote in the republican primary. it certainly isn't worth bothering with the natural law party or the american independent party, the other two primaries that independents can choose to vote in—they're running uncontested slates.
oh, and i have to give a special mention to pat wright, running (uncontested) for the libertarian party lieutenant governor spot. he's the leader of ferrets anonymous, and is running on a pro-ferret platform. (ferrets are illegal in california. so are gerbils.)
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California voted for me in every county,wonderful! Yet, I lost the primary, and it's time to make serious change. Our options are disgusting. All isn't lost. If you are reading this, you are still alive. That's a good thing.
Thank you for mentioning me, and in a fair light indeed. I appreciate you. I am interested now, in running in yet another race. I haven't decided if I will put my endeavors towards the U S Senate or higher, but I will be diligent with a bit more knowledge this time. Trusty Edie isn't green anymore?
Trained Monkey? Where did you get this name? It's interesting. Why Trained Monkey? E-mail me, I am curious.
Have a good day or evening, Edie Bukewihge