June, 13, 2001 archives
it's been a while since i posted any pictures, so here's a shot of tonight's pièce de résistance, a fresh corn risotto with basil, tomato, and lime. for my first run at this dish, i think it turned out rather well. i can't say i've had a lot of other risottos to compare it to, but i'm not likely to anytime soon since most risottos involve copious amounts of cheese. anyway, coupled with some bread that i baked yesterday, it was an excellent meal. (and i think i've gotten the hang of this bread baking thing -- the batch yesterday was the best yet.)

today i got a "referral e-mail from jennifer" for a pre-paid long distance card (or plan or something like that). although i know a jennifer or two, i can't help but think this must just be clever spam -- how many people know someone named jennifer? it could have said "referral e-mail from bill" and been just as plausible. (the real tip it isn't real? it was sent to an address i haven't used in years.)