you have to wonder how many people have said to themselves "i really like netflix. it's too bad the only 'mature' content they offer is basically of the girls gone wild variety. someone should do the same thing for porn." well, here you go.
it very well may be suicidal. the economic and legal dimensions are the scariest. the online adult entertainment industry does constant battle with credit-card fraud. and i wonder what the average lifetime for a dvd in netflix's system is (because you know it will only be worse for this). it looks like netflix dropped their mature category altogether. i'm willing to bet that was related to a higher-than-average 'failure rate' for those dvds.
the legal issue could be even scarier. what impact do local obscenity laws have on mail-order porn? being hit with obscenity charges in podunk, georgia wouldn't be fun.
but i'm just a born skeptic. they already have the one ingredient shown to lead to financial viability on the internet: porn. (there's a certain hunger to companies who can't tap a whole lot of sources for funding.)
(and on a tangential porn-related note, there was a little person going into one of the 24-hour adult bookstores near my apartment the other day. i've seen maybe a half-dozen people go into or out of that place in four years. what are the odds that one would be a little person? god bless the valley.)
what about Utah? for godsakes you cant even drink when you're flying over that state.
so THATS what you've been doing all this time... I get it now.
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this porn pounder idea is absolutely absurd.