March, 19, 2003 archives
ginger brews
mathowie noticed a lot of ginger ale drinkers while flying. i've found myself asking for ginger ale on planes, too. part of it is the opportunity—it's not something i keep on hand, or you can get in most restaurants or fast food joints. on my last visit to galco's soda pop stop, i picked up a couple of ginger brews, including "jamaica's finest ginger beer" (that's a brand name, not just a proclamation). that's one toe-curling soda.
continuing my netflix rampage, i watched defending your life. in a nutshell, it's an albert brooks movie about a guy defending his life in the afterlife. i probably would have found it more resonant if i were twenty years older ten years ago (about when the movie first came out), but it is still a funny film, even if it doesn't serve up any real surprises or deep insights. one thing that struck me is that i feel like i've seen a number of albert brooks movies, but as far as i can recall, this is actually the first.