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the xml-rpc interface to
ken coar finds the xml-rpc interface to distasteful. use the http post interface. and ignore the result. who cares if it fails? (and ping too!)
supporting the trackback api on is an interesting idea. on the todo list. (but i see a problem—trackback sends the blog name and the url for the entry, but not the url for the blog.)
This is taking up 'way too much of my time.. Something occurred to me when I posted a comment on Jim Winstead's Web log: should the code that enters comments perform trackback checking and pinging just as it does for main articles? How about the trackback-recording code? Should trackback ...
Hmm. When I first read tima's post, I sort of breezed over the "replace ping with TrackBack ping" part as a language holy war matter, but other than the blog URL issue, taking TB pings would let Movable Type users do per-category pings like Radio does.
I hate those.
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so the vanilla tb api doesn't include some desirable fields. extend it! accept a 'blog_url' parameter. that's what i did to add revocability. if you build it (and it works and is worthwhile) they will come. hopefully.