March, 28, 2002 archives
the vikings 2002 regular season schedule was released. no monday night games (for the first time in fifteen years). it's going to be a rough year following the vikings from la—not many nationally televised games after last year's dismal showing.
once & again got cancelled (that is, won't be getting renewed for next season—all of this season's episodes are going to be aired). that's too bad, it was a good show—lots of great acting and solid writing.
michael kinsley opines on making millionaires of the families of 9/11 victims, and ties it to a notion of how social justice, in the united states, is coming (haphazardly and expensively) in the courtroom instead of from the legislative and executive branches. priceless quote: “We are too concerned about justice in specific situations and not concerned enough about justice in general. That makes justice highly arbitrary and dependent more on publicity than on morally relevant factors.” (i also like the phrase “competitive victimhood”.)