August, 22, 2001 archives
details about tron 2.0 are leaking out.
1075 bras stolen from a mall in rochester, minnesota. my favorite quote: "I've never been in the Victoria's Secret store," Edwards said. "I don't know what it looks like. But they're definitely having some shrinkage." (via kuro5hin, discuss over here.)
it's a fire-sale on phillip's tivo recorders, with free shipping. if i weren't chicken (and not spending money), i'd upgrade my tivo with a second hard drive. or even two.
poking around on monster and dice recently, i'm a little surprised at how much of a gap there is between perl and php job listings. searching for "php los angeles" on comes up with just three matches, "perl los angeles" gives 59, and "java los angeles" gives 159. (no, i'm not really looking for a job yet. just double-checking that people are still hiring....)
why worry about a job when you could work as a simulated monkey, making monkey phone calls? but there's a chance that those damn real monkeys will swoop in and work cheaper. i think the time for legislation to prevent this is now. time to write the president.
hey, craigslist (the well-known bay area free classified mailing lists/site) has expanded to los angeles. cool.