May, 9, 2001 archives
here's a solid article on internet advertising from webmonkey. i like the untargeted ads running on the various pages of the article. (the amount of untargeted advertising on the web is still pretty shocking.)
i distinctly remember this exact same thing happening a couple of years ago. there's nothing like an analyst trying to get press. (important point to note: it is the wholesale prices of cd-rs that will triple. retail prices are expected to barely wobble. this is how a market is supposed to work -- shrinking prices and margins. some day it will cost less than $20 million to tour space, too. should i make up some numbers and release a report?)
here's a feature that the administration of a chicago-area high school wouldn't allow to be published in the school newspaper.
it isn't a fabulously well-done piece (the "in the minds of murders" piece contradicts itself on the decline of voilence in schools), but it is pretty solid, and the outcome is interesting -- the internet let the students route around the censorship.