April, 30, 2001 archives
i had some sort of dream last night where i had a job that required i use microsoft project. i don't remember anything else about the dream, but it must have been horrible. i've never had a pleasurable experience where project has been involved. that is somewhat frustrating, since it is the sort of tool that i can imagine being useful, but i just haven't ever seen it be so in practice. (maybe because every project i've worked on has worked backwards from completion dates, and never really had a locked-down design.)
jury duty! i've just received the affidavit (not the summons). last time i just showed up for my one day, bailed out of a trial that would have lasted months (they would have missed me at work), got called into another courtroom but not picked to serve (they found enough jurors before they got to me), and then was done. unless something interesting happens before i'm called, i'll probably be hoping to get picked this time. it could be entertaining.
i applied a little pixie dust to the store and news pages that allow me to change the contents more easily. some day i'll merge the store and this weblog stuff, by having some sort of magical way of storing metadata for log entries, and just making the store page query that metadata. that idea still needs to percolate, though. (i think organizine was something along these lines, but it shut down before i ever explored it.)