December, 4, 2001 archives
i've started listing some stuff for sale at unfortunately, it really doesn't look like it is worth bothering to sell mass-market books there. maybe i'll cart those down to the used bookstore some day. (the biggest space-wasters i've got are some tom clancy and michael crichton hardcovers.)
i had no idea that vegetarianism was considered bourgeois in soviet russia. one soviet-era russian dictionary definition of vegetarian: "a person afraid of taking decisive steps."
it just wouldn't be the holiday season without rampant consumerism, so i've updated the code for my wishlist. now with categories! (i feel like i should apologize for the brazenness of it all. but besides making it easier for people who want to shower me with gifts, this really serves as my own stuff-to-buy-when-i-have-spare-cash list. i make no excuses for the references to myself in the third-person plural, however.)